Photo of white woman, Betsy Roob, smiling at eh camera in front of a blue background.

Betsy Schaefer Roob

Teaching Artist


Betsy is a dance artist originally from Elm Grove, WI, where she trained from an early age thanks to support and encouragement from her family. Now based in Minneapolis for over a decade, she has worked with Mathew Janczewski’s ARENA DANCES , Karen L. Charles’ Threads Dance Project, Erinn Liebhard’s Rhythmically Speaking, Dance & Other Behaviors, as well as nationally and internationally based choreographers Sasha Kleinplatz (Montréal, Canada)A.T. Moffett (DE), Salia Sanou (Burkina Faso- 2017 McKnight International Choreographer), and Pat Taylor (LA), among others. Her own work with faux pas, a duo with Julie Marie Muskat, has been presented as part of CANDY BOX Dance Festival at the Southern Theater. Prior to landing in Minnesota, Betsy studied in Michigan, Oregon, and El Salvador. She graduated from the University of Minnesota with a self-designed Bachelor of Individualized Studies in English, Dance, and Sustainability Studies. Alongside performing she has taught various dance forms and The Roll Model® Method to youth and adults, and manages the Children’s Literacy Program for Hennepin Healthcare System. Some of her favorite everyday moments involve dancing around her living room with her toddler daughter.

Photo by Alex Roob